Moral Stories
Story 36
You are the explosives expert of a company that has been hired to demolish a skyscraper. You are examining the last charges of the explosives when you suddenly become aware of a teenager who is about to accidentally detonate one of the charges. The explosion will result in the building's uncontrolled collapse over you, the teenager, and the crowd of spectators. The teenager stands several floors below you and cannot hear you. If you reactivate the building’s electricity, the boy will get an electric shock because he is touching an open circuit. This will kill him, but it will save you and the crowd by preventing the explosion.
Do you stop the teenager by reactivating the building's electricity, so that the building won't collapse over you and the crowd of spectators?
Majority Answer: Yes
Answer distribution over 25 people:
Is Ambiguous: False
These are the factors and their attributes present in this story.
Beneficiary: Self-beneficial
Causal Role: Means
Evitability: Inevitable
Personal Force: Impersonal