Moral Stories
Story 26
You work in an orphanage in a war swept country that hosts ten orphans. Rebel soldiers have taken over the government and are now killing everyone who does not support their regime. Moreover, they are conducting an 'ethnic cleansing' genocide campaign to kill everyone of a particular ethnic group. You and the eleven children of the orphanage did not support the rebellion and you also have one child of this ethnic group in your orphanage. There is no way for you and the other children to escape and the soldiers will certainly kill you all.
Do you make the soldiers believe you are supporting their regime ordering the nurse to give that one child an overdose, so they will spare your and the other ten children's life?
Majority Answer: Yes
Answer distribution over 25 people:
Is Ambiguous: True
These are the factors and their attributes present in this story.
Beneficiary: Self-beneficial
Causal Role: Means
Evitability: Inevitable
Personal Force: Impersonal